05 Notes
Depend on the size, nature and specific requirements of each Project, it is necessary to create a Investment Project Proposal with different levels of detail (and with different corresponding names).
Comply with Investment Law No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020, Decree No. 31/2021/ND-CP dated March 26, 2021 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles in the Investment Law , Circular 03/2021/TT-BKHDT dated 09/04/2021.
Comply with the Construction Law No. 50/2014/QH13 dated June 18, 2014 and the amended Law No.62/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020 on amendments to Construction Law.
Purpose: Apply for the approval of investment policy, Apply for land allocation or lease land to build facility, Loan capital from Credit Institutions/Banks, Call for investment partners, ...
Other Forms/Names: Investment Project Proposal, Feasibility Study/ Pre-Feasibility Report, Report on Investment Project,....

Important information must be included in the Investment Project Report

In our conception, any investment activities - regardless of its size, is considered as an Investment Project and is required to implement Investment Project Report! 
Summarize and Systematize
 the needs and requirements  of the Project
Site Master Planning
Explanation about the main Technological
and Technical Information
Preliminary Estimation
of Total Investment Cost 
Phasing in Investment
and Implementation Progress
Analyze and Evaluate
the Effectiveness and Feasibility of the Project

GMPc Vietnam - Professional Consultant on Preparation of Investment Project Report for GMP facility

Pharmaceutical (Medicine - Oriental Medicine - Vaccine)

Pharmaceutical and Medicinal High-Tech Project

Medicines / Vaccines Veterinary - Aquatic

Depending on the Size, Nature and Specific Requirements of each Project, GMPc Vietnam provides Service packages that are most appropriate and practical, the detail as below:

Types of Investment Project Report

1. Investment Project Proposal

This option is suitable for Project applying for approval of investment policy, Land allocation outside industrial park, Applying for Investment Certificate in Industrial Park, High-tech park.
  • The necessity of investment and the conditions for the implementation of construction investment.
  • The expected objectives, size, location and form of construction investments.
  • Demand for land-use and resources.
  • Preliminary design for construction; Explanation for technology, engineering and production lines.
  • Expected project implementation time.
  • Preliminary total investment amount, plan for capital mobilization; the ability to repay loans (if any); assessment of socio-economic performance and project impact..

2. Pre-Feasibility Study Report

This option is suitable for Project with state capital/ State-owned enterprises
  • A basic drawing will be designed in accordance with construction requirements under the project in order to achieve the objectives, and to ensure the synchronization between parts of project when put into operation and use.
  • The necessity and investment policy, construction investment objectives, construction site and land use area, capacity scale and form of construction investment.
  • Capacity to assure factors for project implementation as resource utilization, labor utilization, equipment and technology, infrastructure, product consumption, etc.,
  • Project impact assessment to land acquisition, land clearance, resettlement; protecting landscape, ecological environment, construction safety, fire protection and other necessary contents.
  • Total investment amount and capital mobilization, financial analysis, financial risk analysis, cost of works operation and use, assessment of socio-economic performance of the project; Proposing coordination mechanisms, preferential policies, support for project implementation.
  • Other relevant content.

3. Feasibility Study Report
(Report on Investment Project)

  • Industry analysis, market analysis
  • Market situation and development trend
  • Competitors analysis, Similar services of competitors
  • Leads group, Potential services (that the market is in need of)
  • Government construction planning and actual implementation possibilities/trends
This option is suitable for projects that need to borrow capital from credit institutions, banks, calling investment partners,...

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In addition to the contents similar to the Pre-Feasibility Study Report, the Feasibility Study Report is also supplemented with the following information and data:

Clear Objective

Legally abiding

Scientific data

Complete, Unified

Updated data

Investment Project Report prepared by GMPc is always guaranteed


Mediplantex National Pharmaceutical JSC

Project: Pharmaceutical science and technology center and pharmaceutical manufacturing application factory - EU GMP Certification
Project: General pharmaceutical storage warehouse - GSP Certification

Hanoi Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Import Export JSC (Harphaco)

>> See details
>> See details

See more: List of GMP project consulted by GMPc Vietnam (2011-2023)

Aviation Logistic Corporation

Vietnam Pesticide JSC.,(VIPESCO)

Project: Agro-pharmaceutical and microbiological factory - WHO GMP Certification

Venus Trading Investment Co., Ltd

Project: Cosmetic Facility - CGMP ASEAN Certification
and Health Supplements Facility - HS GMP Certification

Minh Da Medicine Herbs Co., Ltd

Project: General pharmaceutical storage warehouse cum Pharmaceutical distribution center - GSP Certification
Project: Health Supplements Facility - HS GMP Certification
>> See details
>> See details
>> See details
>> See details

Share your ideas and plans with GMPc to systematize all issues and determine project feasibility!

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About Us

Established since May 25, 2011 GMPc proud to have been the pioneer consultant in providing a comprehensive and turnkey consulting model for GMP-certified facility projects.
Having competent manager, GMP experts and professional team of staff including pharmacists, engineers, chemists,..with several years experiences on GMP practices at large-scales factories, we have always been dedicating ourselves into each commissioned project while adhering to the core value of Get GMP – Get what you want!
GMPc has been trusted by most nationwide investors with 270 GMP-certified facility projects, which equals to more than 80% market share in Vietnam from 2011 to 2023. Because of customer's faith, we ensure to be always do our best to create and contribute the consulting solutions that Simplification - Cost Optimization - Guaranteed Certification on the basis of understanding the needs and differentiation strategy of each customer.

Hanoi & HCMC

GMP facility




Why choose GMPc Vietnam?

3 main reasons that influence 80% of Vietnam GMP-project investors choosing GMPc as consultant!
  • Only one consultant for whole project
  • We get GMP - We get what you want.
  • Detailed implementation plan, indicating all possible options so investor can make the final decision.
  • Single choice to resolve all arising problems

2. Turnkey consulting solution

  • The choice of all leading brands: DHG Pharma, Mediplantex, Harphaco,..
  • Success rate of 100%.
  • Satisfied all investors.
  • Highly praised by authorities.

 1. Affirmed Reputation

  • In compliance with cGMP regulations; 
  • Meet the Authorities' requirements; 
  • Optimization of investment and operation cost; 
  • Controlled progress; 
  • Certification- success rate of 100% 

3. Taking responsibility

Typical customers

Which is the essential and important information included in the Report?
The essential information and data must be included in the Report: 1) Site master planning drawing that in accordance with the Capacity/Output of the Project and in accordance with the Construction Plan; 2) Total Estimated Investment cost of the whole project including: Construction cost and equipment cost; 3) Project implementation progress and Phase (if any). In addition, with a GMP facility project, the issues of Technology/Equipment of production line also need to be analyzed/selected from the very beginning because it is closely related to Investment cost and Site layout of the facility.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)?

What is the purpose of preparing investment project report?
An investment project requires a large investment capital and is implemented over a long period of time, with the expectation of profit in the future. Therefore, making an investment project report to systematize all the ideas and needs, simultaneously analyze all relevant key issues to help the Investor comprehensively evaluate all aspects related to the project. From that they have a reliable basis to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the project. Not only is a guideline for the implementation of the next steps, the Investment Project Report is also a necessary document to submit to the State Management Agency, Call for Investment Partners, Borrow capital from credit institutions.


What is the difference between GMPc and other Consultants?
GMPc proud to be pioneer consultant in providing a comprehensive and turnkey consultancy model for GMP-certified facility project. With 12 years experience and successfully consulted for more than 230 GMP facility projects in Vietnam, GMPc's investment project report is prepared on the basis of a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of: Industry market, Production technology, Equipments, Operation of a GMP Facility,.... Investment project reports of GMPc are always highly appreciated according to the three criteria: Practice - Persuasion - Consistency.


GMPc Việt Nam - Hiểu GMP, Hiểu điều bạn muốn! 

With more than 13 years of experience in the field of turnkey consulting model for GMP facility and consulting for preparation of Investment Project Report, GMPc Vietnam is confident and hopes to bring practical and effective values to contribute into the success of the Project!



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Representative Office: 156/1/1, Cong Hoa Street - Ward 12 - Tan Binh District - Ho Chi Minh City


Tel: 0243.787.2242 | CEO hotline: 0982.866.668

Head Office: No. 18, Mang Cam 1 Street, An Lac Green Symphony Urban Area, Van Canh, Hoai Duc, Hanoi City

Branch office (Hanoi): No. 32, Vi Cam 5 Street, An Lac Green Symphony Urban Area, Van Canh, Hoai Duc

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